Set in a luxury penthouse in a 100-floor apartment, the Korean drama ‘Penthouse‘ follows the story of Shim Soo-Ryeon played by actress Lee Ji-Ah. Soo-Ryeon is considered the “queen” of the place and you can count on her to wear chic and stylish outfits in each episode.
Here are her amazing outfits from the last 5 episodes of ‘Penthouse’.
Have you read?
Lee Ji-Ah’s Fashion in Episodes 17-21 of K-drama ‘Penthouse’
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Look #1
She styled her jumpsuit from Max Mara with this BV crisscross clutch from Bottega Veneta. For added shine, she got these double link pendant and graduated link earrings both from Tiffany & Co.
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Look #2
Ji-Ah looked elegant in this satin tied blouse from Alice + Olivia which she styled with dark bottoms.
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Look #3
Ji-Ah can be spotted wearing this gabardine trench coat and BV Curve leather sandals both from Bottega Veneta. She also carried a Bottega Veneta BV crisscross clutch paired with these amazing pieces from Tiffany & Co.
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Look #4
She looked great in this silk-blend tafetta dress by Max Mara worn with a pair of Tiffany & Co. double long link earrings.
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Look #5
This layered blouse by JW Anderson also looked great on Ji-ah.
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Look #6
This Loewe wrap-front midi dress is styled with a bit of shine thanks to the Carre bag from Saint Laurent and the link necklace from Tiffany & Co.
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Look #7
This neutral-colored look features the poplin lace shirt dress from Self-Portrait paired with these chain-trimmed mesh sandals from Bottega Veneta.
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Continue reading:
Read more about the fashion in Korean drama ‘Penthouse’ here.
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