‘The Atypical Family’ offers an intriguing storyline about a family with supernatural powers who meet the mysterious Do Da-Hae (played by Chun Woo-Hee) just as they are on the verge of losing most of their powers. Chun Woo-Hee‘s subtle and compelling performance as Do Da-Hae indicates that there is more to her than what she reveals at first glance.
Notably, her wardrobe choices give off a friendly yet reserved aura, which is interesting to keep note of. So, if you are looking for more details, you have come to the right place.
Chun Woo-Hee’s Fashion in the K-Drama ‘The Atypical Family’ Episodes 1-4
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Look #1
In one of the first looks, Chun Woo-Hee paired a pastel yellow cashmere knitted sweater from JIL SANDER with white flared pants. She completed the trendy ensemble with an off-white bag by TOUT Y EST and a silver necklace from ENGBROX.
Look #2
She channeled retro elegance in a butter yellow slim line belted flare crepe coat dress from Avouavou. A light beige contrast-trim tote bag from Valextra elevated the look.
Look #3
In episode 2, Woo-Hee wore a mint green cover button top from RENEJ and carried a coordinating leather handbag from Arthur & Grace.
Look #4
She stole the show in episode 3 in a summery pink chiffon maxi dress with a lace collar detail from VEM.VER.
Look #5
Next up, she changed into a brown lace contrast top from AVA MOLLI and a beige frayed lining H-line stretch skirt from KUMÉ.
Look #6
This effortlessly cute and comfortable summer corset dress seen in episode 4 is from NILBY P.
Look #7
In another look, Woo-Hee opted for a casual chic vibe in a white cotton collar knit T-shirt from Ouie.
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Read more about the fashion in the Korean drama ‘The Atypical Family’ here.
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