The Atypical Family
Title: The Atypical Family (English title) / Although I Am Not a Hero (literal title)
Revised romanization: Heroneun Anibnidaman
Hangul: 히어로는 아닙니다만
The plot revolves around the life of Bok Gwi-Ju (Jang Ki-Yong) and his family who have unique supernatural powers. However, he can only use his ability to time travel back to happy moments, without altering the past. Depression makes him lose his power, and his family’s struggles with modern issues like insomnia and bulimia weaken their abilities. When Do Da-Hae (Chun Woo-Hee) joins their lives, things start to change.
Main Cast:
Chun Woo-Hee as Do Da-Hae
Jang Ki-Yong as Bok Gwi-Ju