Based on a popular 2011 webtoon of the same name, ‘Serendipity’s Embrace’ follows the poignant journey of two individuals brought together by fate after a decade of heartbreak and separation. It stars Kim So-Hyun as Lee Hong-Ju, an animator, who encounters her long-lost high school love Kang Hu-Yeong, played by Chae Jong-Hyeop, who now works in finance.
It goes without saying that So-Hyun comes with put-together outfit inspirations that combine trends with classic styles. Check out the details below.
Have you read?
Kim So-Hyun’s Fashion in the K-Drama ‘Serendipity’s Embrace’ Episodes 1-4
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Look #1
Kim So-Hyun paired a green boucle wool blazer from marron edition with jeans for a smart casual look in the first episode. She completed the outfit with a white leather tote bag from Valextra.
Look #2
She was comfortable in an indigo blue Nordic pattern knit pullover from LUCKY MARCHE.
Look #3
In another look, she sported a black Occam doux square large shoulder bag from vunque.
Look #4
This semi-cropped knit zip-up cardigan from grove in episode 2 is an adorable pick for a day out or a cozy stay at home.
Look #5
In episode 3, So-Hyun wore a faded black vintage crack leather jacket from SIYAZU.
Look #6
Styled with her outfit here is the half-moon cross bag in black leather from BELVEDERE.
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Read more about the fashion in the Korean drama ‘Serendipity’s Embrace’ here.
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