The recently released K-drama, ‘Kokdu: Season of Deity’ seems to be promising with its well-crafted storyline and top-notch production. But let’s not forget about the stunning fashion showcased in the series, particularly the outfits worn by the cute female lead Im Soo-Hyang in her role as Han Gye-Jeol.
That being said, keep reading to have a peek at the adorable outfits of Soo-Hyang, starting from episode 1 to episode 4.
Im Soo-Hyang’s Fashion in the K-Drama ‘Kokdu: Season Of Deity’ Episodes 1-4
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Look #1
Her first look is definitely a cute one, which featured a mohair puff-sleeve top from Mardi Mercredi.
Look #2
Isn’t Soo-Hyang just too cute in her ROCCI ROCCI Terry button-collar T-shirt?
Look #3
Another cute T-shirt that has everyone’s eyes on it is this pink lettering long-sleeve T-shirt from CLOVE.
Look #4
To pull off this casual look, Soo-Hyang opted for a crossbody bag from JOY GRYSON.
Look #5
She looked incredibly adorable in this casual outfit, which included a Zara embroidered cotton overshirt and T-strap loafers from ATT.
Look #6
If you fell in love with Soo-Hyang’s cute and cozy sweatshirt from episode 3, you can easily get your own from GROVE.
Look #7
Everyone’s wardrobe should include Soo-Hyang’s stylish fringe sleeveless knit top from ROCCI ROCCI!
Look #8
Soo-Hyang looked absolutely gorgeous in this outfit, which featured a stylish pair of denim pants from PLAC.
Look #9
She continued to impress viewers with her cute outfits, this time featuring a point flower cardigan from COVETBLAN.
Look #10
Staying warm and stylish is not always an easy feat, but Soo-Hyang managed it with ease thanks to her green hoodie and sweatpants from THEVINYLHOUSE.
Look #11
Another stylish and comfortable outfit was showcased by Soo-Hyang in episode 4, consisting of a pink sweatshirt and stitch sweatpants, both from NOIRNINE.
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Read more about the fashion in the Korean drama ‘Kokdu: Season of Deity’ here.
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