‘See You In My 19th Life’ is a supernatural love story that revolves around rebirth and memories. Based on Lee Hey‘s webtoon of the same name, the drama stars Shin Hye-Sun as the extraordinary Ban Ji-Eum who remembers her past lives. Her journey to reconnect with the love from her 18th life Moon Seo-Ha (played by Ahn Bo-Hyun) is just getting started.
The drama also has pleasing workplace fashion to offer apart from the engaging premise. Keep yourself updated on Hye-Sun’s style as Ji-Eum by scrolling below.
Shin Hye-Sun’s Fashion in the K-Drama ‘See You In My 19th Life’ Episodes 1-4
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Look #1
For one of the very first looks from the first episode, Hye-Sun wore a beige jacket from REPLAIN that went wonderfully well with her baby pink collar shirt.
Look #2
She was dressed to the nines in a tailored jacket and mini skirt from HANAVO that complemented her confident demeanor.
Look #3
Hye-Sun looked casual and smart in a pink summer double jacket and one-tuck half-pants, both from NILBY P.
Look #4
In the next episode, the highlight of Hye-Sun’s outfit was the cute pair of Lemaire‘s heeled leather derby shoes in white.
Look #5
She then changed into a green V-neck color matching corduroy knit top from DEKAVV, a salmon shade irregular pleats skirt from REPLAIN, and beige sundress sandals from ATTITUDE; L.
Look #6
Hye-Sun’s orange flower garden long dress from RE_L seen in this scene is the prettiest of summer dresses.
Look #7
For a standard stylish look in episode 3, she combined a pink tweed crop jacket from JOY GRYSON with blue jeans, complete with a cabbage white crossbody bag from the same brand.
Look #8
Hye-Sun’s signature smart attire was accompanied by white heeled leather derbys from LEMAIRE, yellow gold earrings from ellepeut, and a small leather cross-body bag from CARTIER.
Look #9
Episode 4 saw her in an elegant blouse top in cream from YOUR NAME HERE.
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Read more about the fashion in the Korean drama ‘See You In My 19th Life’ here.
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