The cast of ‘Moonshine’ showed off the perfect outfits during the upcoming K-drama’s online press conference held on December 20. The show is set in the Joseon era, when the strictest prohibition laws were enacted, demonstrating that strict laws are no match for human desire. Sounds interesting, right?
Now, plot aside, we’re here to talk fashion and admire each and every look showcased by the show’s cast in its press conference. So, keep on reading and enjoy the view!
‘Moonshine’ Cast’s Outfits at the Show’s Press Conference on December 20, 2021
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Now, let’s have a look at the real bomb! The outfit Hyeri appeared in made her look flawless from head to toe. It consisted of a black cropped tweed jacket from Miu Miu and a pair of the Hot Chic heels from CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN.
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Kang Mi-Na
The ensemble that Kang Mi-Na attended the event in was no less attractive. To add a bit of glam to it, she went for a pair of exquisite Sphera crystal-embellished sandals by Giuseppe Zanotti.
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Yoo Seung-Ho
And now on to Yoo Seung-ho, who was seen looking super stylish in a quarter split Shetland 4-bar fray edge classic sport coat from Thom Browne.
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Byeon Woo-Seok
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