Released on October 7, the K-Drama ‘Strong Girl Nam-Soon’ has been keeping viewers glued to their screens with its gripping episodes, telling the story of a young woman gifted with superhuman strength who goes back to Korea in pursuit of her birth family, only to find herself caught in a challenging criminal case.
Yet, it’s not just the captivating storyline and exceptional production that make this drama a must-watch, but also the impressive fashion statements made by Kim Jung-Eun in her role as Hwang Geum-Ju. So, let’s delve into what the talented actress has brought to the screen in episodes 1 to 8!
Have you read?
Kim Jung-Eun’s Fashion in the K-Drama ‘Strong Girl Nam-Soon’ Episodes 1-8
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Look #1
She set the fashion bar sky-high in the first episode, pairing a beautiful dress from IvanaHelsinki with a crossbody bag from Oryany.
Look #2
Jung-Eun kept on impressing the viewers with her dress choices, and this time she graced the screen in a stunning cut-out tailored dress from Jacquemus.
Look #3
Her fashion sense was nothing short of elegant, as she combined a BOTTEGA VENETA double-breasted belted cotton-canvas trench coat with Jimmy Choo‘s Averly asymmetric pumps.
Look #4
The pretty actress donned a stunning all-red ensemble, which she nailed perfectly with a fancy set of GIANVITO ROSSI Montecarlo d’Orsay pumps. As a final dazzling touch, she opted for BVLGARI Divas’ Dream earrings and Serpenti Seduttori necklace.
Look #5
Jung-Eun looked like a million bucks in her fashionable Balmain yellow blazer, which she paired with the sleek Bottega Veneta cat-eye sunglasses.
Look #6
She effortlessly pulled off a graceful and ladylike look, rounding it off with the addition of the stylish pink Trifolio Swing tote from Ferragamo.
Look #7
Jung-Eun proved herself a true fashion icon as she donned a Moschino Iconic metal virgin-wool blazer paired with a faucet detail bouclé pencil skirt.
Read more about the fashion in the Korean drama ‘Strong Girl Nam-Soon’ here.
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