True to Love (Bo-ra! Deborah)
Title: True to Love (English title) / Bo-ra! Deborah (Korean title)
Revised romanization: Bora! Deborah
Hangul: 보라! 데보라
Yoo In-Na plays the role of Yeon Bo-Ra, a famous dating coach and author of a best-selling book about love under the pen name Deborah. However, she struggles to find love in her own life. Lee Soo-Hyeok (Yoon Hyun-Min), a publishing planner with unpredictable relationship behavior, dislikes Deborah’s advice but finds himself drawn to her. Han Sang-Jin (Joo Sang-Wook), Soo-Hyeok’s business partner, lives a carefree life but meets someone who challenges his beliefs. As the three navigate their relationships and beliefs about love, they face unexpected twists and turns in this captivating K-drama.
Main Cast:
Yoo In-Na as Yeon Bo-Ra
Yoon Hyun-Min as Lee Soo-Hyeok
Joo Sang-Wook as Han Sang-Jin