Pandora: Beneath The Paradise
Title: Pandora: Beneath the Paradise
Revised romanization: Pandora: Jojakdwen Nakwon
Hangul: 판도라: 조작된 낙원
It tells the story of Hong Tae-Ra (Lee Ji-Ah) who does everything in her power to become the First Lady of Korea. Her life seems perfect with her loving husband Pyo Jae-Hyun (Lee Sang-Yoon) and their daughter, but she suffers from amnesia and has no memory of her past. When she regains her memory, her seemingly perfect life falls apart, and she is forced to confront her troubled past. Seeking revenge on those responsible, Hong Tae-Ra faces a difficult situation. Her husband, Pyo Jae-Hyun is a successful developer and is admired by many, including those in the political world who consider him a potential presidential candidate.
Main Cast:
Lee Ji-Ah as Hong Tae-Ra
Lee Sang-Yoon as Pyo Jae-Hyun