My Demon
Title: My Demon
Revised romanization: My Demon
Hangul: 마이 데몬
In ‘My Demon’, we dive into the complex life of Do Do-Hee (Kim Yoo-Jung), who is the poised successor of the Future Group. She’s always had trust issues and she harbors a cynical view of love. Her life takes a drastic turn when she enters a contract marriage with a demon, Jeong Gu-Won (Song Kang), a being who thrives on perilous yet tempting pacts with tormented humans, granting him immortality. With disdain for humanity, Gu-Won has ruled for two centuries as an apex predator. However, a sudden twist leaves him powerless, leading him to join forces with Do Do-Hee. To ensure his survival, he must safeguard her, the vessel of his lost power. As they navigate this unusual alliance, their connection blossoms into a surprising romance.
Main Cast:
Kim Yoo-Jung as Do Do-Hee
Song Kang as Jeong Gu-Won