Backstreet Rookie
Title: Backstreet Rookie (English title) / Convenience Store Saet-Byeol (literal title)
Revised romanization: Pyeonuijeom Saetbyeoli
Hangul: 편의점 샛별이
The plot revolves around the chance meeting of Choi Dae-Hyun (Ji Chang-Wook) and Jung Saet-Byeol (Kim Yoo-Jung) 4 years ago back when Saet-Byeol was still a high school student. Now that Dae-Hyun runs a small convenience store after leaving his corporate job, he then meets Saet-Byeol again as she tries to apply as a part-timer in his store.
Main Cast:
Ji Chang-Wook as Choi Dae-Hyun
Kim Yoo-Jung as Jung Saet-Byul