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BTS’ Jungkook Blew Everyone Away With His Graffiti-Print Streetwear Aesthetic Airport Look

BTS Jungkook's Outfit at Incheon Airport on July 12, 2023

BTSJungkook flew to America the other day, all set to make his much-awaited debut solo performance at Good Morning America’s Summer Concert Series this Friday.

Gearing up for the release of his first single ‘Seven’, Jungkook departed for his flight in a grey skater graffiti crest tie-dye hoodie and track pants, all from Balenciaga, paired with black and white leather Wayne Original low-top sneakers from Maison Mihara Yasuhiro. The street-style airport look is a comfortable one.

BTS’ Jungkook’s Outfit at Incheon Airport on July 12, 2023

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BTS Jungkook's Outfit at Incheon Airport on July 12, 2023
BTS Jungkook's Outfit at Incheon Airport on July 12, 2023

Skater Tie-dye Hoodie


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Graffiti Crest Cotton Track Pants


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Wayne Original Low-top Sneakers


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  1. Skater Tie-dye Hoodie
  2. Graffiti Crest Cotton Track Pants
  3. Wayne Original Low-top Sneakers

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